Thanks, Bertil, for the USB stick. I have all the text. Google Translator, however, will only translate one KB. I'll have to figure out something else. It is absolutely essential that your book is on deposit with places such as Yad Vashem , New York Public Library, Library of Congress, US Holocaust Museum, YIVO (YIVO Institute for Jewish Research, New York), and various universities in US and Europe with Holocaust and Jewish studies departments. Your magnum opus is a documentary record, ala Spielberg's Shoah project. The testimony of victims is vital for the historical record through posterity.
Thank you for taking the effort to record this remarkable family story. We all owe you a great deal.
My congratulations to you for doing this work. It appears to have been both an enormous task and one done with loving regard for family. You are to be commended. I stand in awe of what you have accomplished.
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